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Alessandra Navetta

Democratic candidate for the Colorado State House, District 56

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Married. Retired
Three children. Eight grandchildren

BScN Nursing Education University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Juris Doctor University of Detroit Law School, Detroit, Michigan,

Nursing Instructor Deaconess School of Nursing Detroit, Michigan
Staff Nurse Psychiatry Lafayette Clinic Psychiatric Hospital Detroit, Michigan
NICU Staff Nurse Hutzel Hospital Detroit, Michigan
Nurse Recruitment-Relations Coordinator Hutzel Hospital Detroit, Michigan
Employment Manager Hutzel Hospital Detroit, Michigan
Attorney Lopatin, Miller, et al.
Attorney Erlich, Rosen and Bartnick

Civic Involvement
Vice Chair Elbert County Democratic Party
Pines and Plains Library Trustee

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My name is Alessandra Navetta and I am the Democratic candidate for the Colorado State House, District 56 (HD56). I live in Elizabeth Colorado, in Elbert County. I am a mother and grandmother. I am retired. My professional career was spent as a nurse and attorney.

HD56 is a large, diverse area made up of seven counties in the eastern plains of Colorado. Elbert, Lincoln, Kit Carson and Cheyenne counties are primarily rural. Adams, Arapahoe and El Paso counties are both rural and urban. The needs of the citizens of HD56 are varied and unique.

There are issues and problems in HD56 that must be addressed, and which can only be resolved by state government action. There are no easy answers, but we need to start to address these issues and look for solutions. These issues include lack of access to affordable, quality healthcare, lack of access to reliable, high-speed internet and lack of access to post-secondary education.

I intend to meet with the citizens of each county, listen to their concerns about these and other issues and, once elected, provide a voice for these citizens in the state legislature.

Citizens can reach me at email to share concerns or ideas.

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